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Harassment Defense Attorney in Cleveland

Harassment Charges in Ohio

Harassment is considered any abuse, threats of abuse, stalking, or sexual assault committed by a person that has no familial or romantic attachment with the victim, such as a neighbor, roommate, or friend. Harassment charges could result in a restraining order or even jail time and fines.

If you have been charged with harassment, it’s time to call our Cleveland harassment defense attorneys to help you avoid the consequences of a conviction. Don’t delay! Our legal team is more than prepared to help with your case.

What Constitutes Harassment in Ohio?

A credible threat of violence means intentionally saying something or acting in a way that would make someone fear for their safety or the safety of their family.

Harassment can be defined as:

  • Unlawful violence such as assault, battery, or stalking
  • A credible threat of violence
  • The violence or threats that seriously frighten, annoy, or harass someone
  • Unwanted sexual threats or comments

Common Types of Harassment

  • Based on gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or age
  • Sexual harassment
  • Quid pro quo sexual harassment
  • Verbal abuse
  • Physical harassment

Penalties for Harassment Charges in Ohio

While harassment convictions are typically regarded as misdemeanors, aggravating factors can enhance the charges to a felony, resulting in much more severe punishments. For example, if the harassment occurs repeatedly, the charge can be elevated to stalking; and If the alleged victim is a minor, the offense becomes much more serious.

In addition to any jail time or fines, a harassment conviction can affect your life in other ways. Employers may learn of your conviction and refuse to hire you because of it. You could also be held responsible for emotional damages by the alleged victim in a collateral lawsuit.

Turn to Us for Your Defense Against Harassment Charges in Ohio

Our focus is providing aggressive legal defense for our clients who have been accused of criminal behavior. We do everything possible to prevent a harassment conviction. With so much on the line, trust our Cleveland harassment defense lawyers to provide crucial advice and representation when you need it.

Call us today at (216) 369-1352 to schedule your no-cost consultation!